Sunday, May 6, 2007

06th May 2007

In Memory of John Candy

We are now getting organised to be able to live out of doors, we have a large awning (which is a roof canopy fixed to the side of the TT) and a ground sheet. We now have enough chairs for everyone to sit on (including a little fold up chair for Brianna) and tables to eat from, also we have moved the toaster out, so that the heat doesn’t build up in the TT. Because it is warm and has rained very little we are reasonably happy to leave things outside, however there are racoons. Sally and Sarah actually saw one. They were looking out of the window as it was getting dark and saw a racoon head pop up above our little table. It had a look round and then moved off, very exciting, But it means we don’t leave any food out because they will find it and take it. This was nearly our downfall.

At this point you need to remind yourself of the film The Great Outdoors with John Candy and Dan Ackroyd. When I got up this morning I went out and found the toaster exactly where it is in the picture. The racoons had attempted to drag the toaster off into the forest. They are obviously smart enough to know that it still needs to be plugged in to work, but not smart enough to realise that they could have plugged it in to any of the other camp site power sockets, then we would never have found it.
Presumably the conversation between Mr and Mrs Racoon went something like this (these are the subtitles and it may have lost something in translation).
‘Hey they think they have really cleaned up round here’
‘I know, these people have no idea of how to put on a menu’
‘They even swept the porch’
‘Yeah, but I can smell TOAST!!’
‘We love TOAST’
‘Hey why don’t we make TOAST’
‘Because we don’t know how to and there’s no bread’
‘Hey, why don’t we use bread from one of the other restaurants ‘
‘We could really do with a TOASTER at home’
‘If we had a TOASTER, we would be really king round here.’
‘We could have all kinds of cool TOASTER parties’
‘Everybody loves a family with a TOASTER’
‘We could cook all kinds of stuff from the cafes here’
‘Waffles, pop tarts and banana skins’‘
OK, we’ll have it, give me a hand to carry it’‘
Oh dear, they haven’t put a long cord on the TOASTER’
‘Shucks, there goes another evolutionary step forward, just because we don’t know where the extension cord is’
‘Don’t worry, We’ll be back!!!


Sunday: Today we are going to Seaworld. We arrived in perfect time to go and see the dolphins in their performance called ‘Blue Horizons’. It was really good, the dolphins did tricks with people and they had acrobats on high swings and also parrots that flew round above our heads, very exciting. We then went to see the killer whales in their performance of ‘Believe’. They are much larger than dolphins and it was a very impressive display. After that we saw the penguins, the sharks (not in the same area) and the actic animals. It was very nice.

In the afternoon Brianna went to see the ‘Elmo and the Buccaneers’ performance. Then within minutes the sky turned black, the wind came up to gale force and it rained and thundered and lightninged. It stormed for about half an hour then was OK again. So a thunderstorm on 2 days running. 

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