I remember that when we were in Los Angeles once you were actually in a hotel it was quite
difficult to actually find and organise what you really wanted to do. So now
that there is so much info on the internet, now is the time to find out what we
want to do, and where we want to go. The State Parks offer a lot of scope to see the best of the history,
culture, nature and geography of Florida. I find it difficult to comprehend just how big Florida is. From pictures and information it seems crowded,
but it is about the size of the UK, with a third of the population, so some of their
State Parks are large and wild. They still have bear and panther in the wild,
as well as the more obvious alligators. Browsing the State Parks has thrown up
exciting places such as Manatee Lake, The Suwannee river (yes, Way Down Upon
The .....), the home of Steven Foster (who wrote it), The everglades, the Keys
and loads more.
The difficulty is to know the best way to file all this information.
The difficulty is to know the best way to file all this information.